Gastronomic variations of mungunzá while traveling Brazil: bibliographic study




mungunzá, canjica, gastronomy, food culture


With corn it is possible to create several preparations, being able to serve it in different ways and satisfy all tastes. Among the preparations, there is mungunzá, food that is consumed in the June festivities, varying its terminologies linked to regionalism. This study aimed to describe the transformations that occurred in the production of mungunzá in Brazil over time. An investigation question was formulated: what transformations occurred in the production of mungunzá in Brazil? A total of 958 works were found based on the search for descriptors in the databases: CAPES, Science Direct, ScieELO and Institutional Repository of the Federal University of Ceará. Only 14 were selected based on content evaluation and literature search. Upon reading the works, it can be seen that hominy, curau, mungunzá, serve to designate different preparations based on corn and are present from north to south of Brazil, diversifying in food and in the linguistic field with similar functions. The nomenclature “munguzá” has an African influence and its consumption is linked to the June and July festivities. The different food trajectories, based on common raw materials, show that gastronomic studies need to take into account cultures and the history of dish production processes. The mungunzá in its salty version is served in the northeastern hinterland as a meal, salty preparations represent energy food, which causes satiety. It is therefore considered that several transformations occur in the production and denomination of mungunzá in Brazil, in the linguistic, historical, cultural, social, geographic and gastronomic fields.


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How to Cite

COSTA, F. C. da; NETO, P. A. da S.; CARVALHO, D. V.; GOUVEIA, S. T.; LIMA, F. E. T.; SOUSA, P. H. M. Gastronomic variations of mungunzá while traveling Brazil: bibliographic study. Journal of Nutrition and Health Surveillance, Fortaleza, v. 10, n. 1, p. e10513, 2023. DOI: 10.59171/nutrivisa-2023v10e10513. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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