About the Journal



  1. Focus and scope
  2. Editorial process
  3. Frequency
  4. Open access and submission processing policies
  5. Content license and privacy statement
  6. APCs (article processing fees) and submission fees
  7. Archiving
  8. Policies on plagiarism and misconduct

       1. Focus and scope

The journal World Tensions is published on a four-month basis by Observatory of Nationalities, a group made up of researchers from several institutions and fields of expertise. The journal is rated A2 by CAPES (Graduate Staff Improvement Bureau, from the Ministry of Education) the areas of Political Science and International Relations, and is linked to the Sociology Post-Graduation Program (PPGS/UECE), as well as to the Public Policies Post-Graduation Program (PPPP/UECE), both from the State University of Ceará (UECE).

Published in an electronic format, the journal aims to diffuse theoretical and empirical studies that provide in-depth understanding of the formation of nations, entities that legitimize the modern State, multilateral institutions and that which has been titled the “international community”. The journal accepts, in a constant flow, new articles, essays and reviews that elaborate on themes related to nationalities, international relations, cultural manifestations, the State’s instruments of force, and policies on defense and security.

Besides publishing works of established authors, World Tensions seeks to promote new talent. We accept articles from both undergraduate and graduate students, as long as the work in question is done in collaboration with their supervisors.

  1. Editorial process

In the interest of making transparent the procedures clarified herein, the following participants are defined:

a) Author: the individual responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a document. For articles with multiple authors, it is necessary to present the order of presentation of the authors, and a declaration from each one, authorizing the publication of the submitted text. Not to be confused with collaborators.

b) Collaborators: supervisors and other authors that participate in the process of elaborating and writing the submitted article.

c) Evaluators: established (or ad hoc) specialists in their fields, invited by the journal’s editorial committee for evaluating authors’ submissions.

d) Editorial Committee: members of Observatory of Nationalities charged with the production of each edition of the World Tensions

With the aforementioned participants, the editorial process takes place in the following steps:

  1. Manuscripts will be submitted for approval by established specialists of the subjects-at-hand. Any work to be published will be submitted for evaluation without any manner of identification of authorship, although authorship is registered in the electronic system of the journal’s editing system, the Open Journal System (OJS). This procedure is intended to guarantee a paired, double-blind evaluation process.
  2. Manuscripts will be forwarded to our evaluators, within a maximum time of fifteen business days. The article selection process consists of evaluation by the ad hoc specialists, and by the journal’s Editorial Committee, who must select the titles to be published. In summary, the sequence of articles will follow alphabetical order of the authors’ last names, in case a pre-determined order has not been defined by the editor responsible for the relevant issue.
  3. Exceptionally, works that have already been published in foreign journals will be accepted. In this case, these works will be subject to the same evaluation as original propositions. Furthermore, the author must present written authorization from the editor of the foreign journal in question, alongside a copy of the article.
  4. Original works will be published in the language of submission, with preference given to works in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or English. Submissions in other languages might not be admitted.
  5. The journal reserves the right to effect alterations of a normative, orthographic, or grammatical nature in original works, with the intent of maintaining a high linguistic standard, while still respecting the author’s writing style. Final drafts will not be returned to the authors.
  6. Published works will become property of the World Tensions journal. In case of partial or full re-prints, the source of the original publication must be recognized. Original copies will not be returned to the authors.
  7. No fees are charged for submission, evaluation, or editing.
  8. Authors are fully responsible for any opinions expressed in their respective articles.
  9. The journal will classify evaluated submissions according to the following sections:

a) Articles: full and original papers that contain partial studies or completed research, as well as similar collaborations;

b) Essays: papers that contain original work expressing the author(s)’ opinions;

c) Interviews: this section includes transcriptions of original interviews with renowned scientists and thinkers. Authorship of this type of paper falls upon both the interviewer and transcriber;

d) Review: this section includes critical analyses of artistic or scientific works (such as books, films, performances, etc.), journals, dissertations, and theses.

       3. Frequency

The World Tensions journal is published on a four-month cycle, with three editions every year, grouped together in volumes. The publication months are January, May, and September of every year.

  1. Open access and submission processing policies

Since its inception, the World Tensions journal strongly believes in an open access policy. This is reflected in the following six stipulations:

            a) Readers’ right: the articles will be immediately available following publication;

            b) Right to store: the authors may immediately store any version in a repository or the web;

            c) Automatic storage: the journal may immediately store, following publication, any version in a trusted repository, indexer, or the web;

            d) Authors’ rights: the authors maintains authorship rights without restrictions, allowing the use and dissemination through the journal in other instances and/or indexers;

          e) Accessibility: the article’s central text, metadata, supplementary data (tagging and semantics) and citations may be accessed through an API with publicly available instructions;

         f) Reutilization rights; use is permitted within the Creative Commons license’s limits.

        5. Content license and privacy statement

The Open Access (OA) publication model is a democratic way of disseminating scientific and academic knowledge, in which the journal guarantees free, irrevocable and unrestricted access to its content, as of the date of its online publication. The journal aims to facilitate the total or partial reproduction and development and distribution of derivative works. In the free access model, readers' rights to reuse, copyright, availability of the article on the Internet (posting) and automated content recognition (machine readability) are defined.

Authors retain copyrights and grant the journal rights to first publication, while the study is simultaneously licensed under the International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) which permits the work’s sharing with authorship recognition and initial publication in this journal.

The license allows:

Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and;
Adapt - remix, transform and develop the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The names and addresses released by this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered for this publication, not being available for other uses or to third parties.


  1. APCs (article processing fees) and submission fees

No fees are charged for paper subscription, submission, evaluation, editing, or publishing.

  1. Archiving

The archives of the World Tensions are preserved through storage in the servers of the State University of Ceará, in addition to cloud storage in the journal’s own drive. Files are also stored in Crossref through the DOI and the OJS. The journal possesses its own storage of submitted files and utilizes the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) software for distributing files among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives for preservation and restoration. Find out more...

The journal also uses CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) to ensure a secure and permanent file. CLOCKSS is based on the LOCKSS open source software developed at the Library of the University of Stanford that allows libraries to preserve selected registered journals. Each file is continuously validated against other registers, and if the content is found to be corrupted or lost, other registers or the journal are used to restore it.

  1. Policies on plagiarism and misconduct

World Tensions conducts itself in line with directives from COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), which aim to identify plagiarism, misconduct, fraud, possible ethical violations, and ongoing lawsuits. As such, all texts are analyzed with an anti-plagiarism program.

In the interest of ethical research, all articles will be put through the Similarity Check anti-plagiarism program (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/).

We suggest that authors:

  1. Visit the COPE website (http://publicationethics.org), which contains useful information for authors and editors on ethical research;
  2. In case of research involving human beings, send us, in a separate file, the terms of Free and Clarified Consent (TCLE), corresponding to the research subjects or the approval of the ethics committee;
  3. Seek to ensure that articles that contain data (or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications) are referenced in an explicit manner; in the redaction of articles that contain a critical analysis of the intellectual work of other authors, their content must be properly cited; all authors must follow the criteria of original authorship of the article and none of the researchers involved in the work may be omitted from the list of authors.

In case of errata and retractions, they will be published according to the SciElo’s Guide for errata registration and publication (https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/guia_errata.pdf).