Sensory evaluation of coffee and milk powder mixes and its preference and acceptance in the Northeast of Brazil
acceptance, quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA), sensory evaluationAbstract
Coffee is a product of great importance in the global economy and new drinks have been developed based on its beans to please more and more the taste of consumers. This work aimed to evaluate the sensory profile of five commercial brands of coffee and milk powder and its acceptability and preference in the Northeast region of Brazil. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA), ranking preference test and overall acceptance test (hedonic scale) were applied. The samples showed distinct sensory profile and acceptability, with the descriptors “color of the powder”, “color of the beverage”, “coffee odor”, “coffee flavor” and “sweetness” the most important to differentiate samples. However, it was not possible to establish the preference drivers, as samples with similar sensory profiles presented opposite acceptability, that is, while one is most preferred; the other was the least preferred. This may indicate that there are attributes which have not been measured and which may be responsible for the preference. Thus, it is recommended that, in a later QDA study, the descriptors for coffee flavor and their specific notes should be more detailed.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Aline Broenstrup, Deborah dos Santos Garruti, Abel Franco Melo Gurgel, Ídila Maria da Silva Araújo, Antônio de Pádua Valença da Silva

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