Prophylactic and therapeutic potential of zinc supplementation in the incidence of taste disorders and mucositis during chemotherapy: systematic review
zinc sulfate; mucositis; dysgeusia; chemotherapy; systematic reviewAbstract
Chemotherapy can cause adverse effects such as mucositis and taste disorders, which tend to reduce daily nutrient intake, contributing to a decline in nutritional status, worse quality of life and risk of treatment interruptions. Zinc supplementation has been considered as an option for the prophylaxis and treatment of these conditions. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the available evidence on the prophylactic and therapeutic use of zinc supplementation in mucositis and taste disorders in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials considering mucositis and taste disorders as outcomes. The articles were searched in electronic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, VHL, Web of Science and in the references of the articles found. Selection, data extraction and assessment of methodological quality were carried out independently by two reviewers. The risk of bias assessment was carried out using the RoB 2 tool. Of a total of 322 studies retrieved in the searches, 3 were eligible. The studies were heterogeneous in relation to participants, intervention (dosage) and outcome assessment measures. Only one study confirmed the hypothesis that zinc supplementation prevents the incidence of mucositis (p<0.05). However, this was the only one among the eligible studies assessed as having a low risk of bias in terms of methodological quality. Although there is a tendency for zinc sulfate to reduce the incidence and/or severity of mucositis, there is insufficient evidence regarding its effectiveness.
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