Analysis of Elementary School childrens’s reading and writing test


  • Mateus Pereira Freire Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte


Lecto-writing, Learning, Psychogenesis, Emilia Ferreiro


Lecto-writing tests were carried out with Elementary School students, along with a survey of theories and terms defined and developed by the author Emilia Ferreiro (which have been discussed by other authors), to analyze and define the different levels of psychogenesis of children submitted to the test and then think about how important it is for the professional to be able to perceive the need and be able to carry out an adequate intervention so that the student evolves and has their specificities respected and understood during the learning process. The tests were carried out with three children (one of them neurodivergent and the rest being neurotypical), who were evaluated and defined as being at the syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetic levels, making it clear that the teaching of reading and writing can and should be remodeled and adapted to meet the needs of different students, considering the entire social context of the child inserted in the appropriate representation practices.

Author Biography

Mateus Pereira Freire, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Graduando em Pedagogia pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial – PET. Lattes: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Pereira Freire, M. (2024). Analysis of Elementary School childrens’s reading and writing test. Conexão ComCiência, 1(4). Retrieved from



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