Educational-political praxis of Latin American peasant and indigenous movements and culture organization


  • Lia Pinheiro Barbosa Doutora em Estudos Latino-Americanos pela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM e Professora na Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE



culture, hegemony, peasant and indigenous movements, education, Latin America


This article analyzes the culture organization process and the hegemony dispute within the educational-political praxis of indigenous and peasant movements in Latin America. Therefore, it addresses the concept of hegemony linked to the peripheral nature of our countries, in which the historical development project is permeated by neocolonialism, as well as dependent and subordinate capitalist integration. Furthermore, it is argued that the education process of an organic intellectual is not restricted to a task done solely by a revolutionary and popular party. Latin American political history is the scene of many struggles and rebellions organized by various organizations and popular movements of an urban and rural nature. In the case of educational-political projects interconnected by indigenous and peasant movements, four premises are identified: a) the building of an educational process that allows a critical interpretation of the historical process of sociocultural and political development in Latin America and promotes a break with the colonial, patriarchal, racist, and classist dialectics of oppression historically experienced in the region; b) the education of an organic intellectual inherent to its own organizational processes; c) the link with an onto-epistemic critique of imposing the modern western capitalist, Eurocentric paradigm as alma mater and interpretive canon of the world and the sociocultural, production, and political relations; and d) the constitution of a hegemony dispute as a social and historical force, in which the educational-pedagogical praxis is regarded as a hegemony project, and this requires the genesis of a new political culture that responds to challenges of the civilizational crisis


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How to Cite

Barbosa, L. P. . (2022). Educational-political praxis of Latin American peasant and indigenous movements and culture organization. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 12(28), 11–30.


