Association of sociodemographic profile with body image and risk of eating disorders in nutrition students
body image; nutrition; body dissatisfactionAbstract
Over the years, modern society has imposed an aesthetic standard in which thin and/or muscular bodies are overvalued and associated with beauty and social visibility. The literature repeatedly highlights the increased risk and prevalence of Body Image Dissatisfaction (BI) and Eating Disorders (ED) in undergraduate health students, especially nutrition students. The aim of this study is to carry out a socio-demographic characterization of nutrition students at a university center in Fortaleza, Ceará, and evaluate the association between body image and the possible risk of eating disorders. This is a cross-sectional study of a quantitative exploratory and analytical nature. This study used a sociodemographic questionnaire, a EAT-26 questionnaire and a Silhouette Scale developed and validated for Brazilian adults. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. The sample comprised 104 students with a mean age of 25.5±6.93 years, with the majority being female (82.6%). With regard to anthropometric data, mean height and weight were significantly higher in men (p<0.05). Overestimation distortion of body image (45.2%) and the desire to reduce silhouette (59.6%) were the most prevalent perceptions and not significantly different between sexes. 68.3% of the students do not present risk for ED (16.03±8.74 points). Age was directly related to body image perceptions, as the median age of the group wishing to reduce their figure was higher than those wishing to increase it (p<0.05). There was no association between body image perceptions and the risk of eating disorders. Attention needs to be paid to nutrition students, as they experience a certain pressure related to body image and weight loss. In view of this, our data is important to complement knowledge on the subject.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Laíne Silva Lima, Ana Lorena Pereira Bezerra, Marcelo Oliveira Holanda, Fernando César Rodrigues Brito, Sandra Machado Lira
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