Contributos de Gaston Bachelard para uma educação da e para a imaginação
Educação da Imaginação, Pedagogia do Não, Gaston Bachelard, Imaginação Poética, Racionalismo CientíficoAbstract
The article discusses the key contributions of Gaston Bachelard's thought to an education focused on imagination, based on the complementarity between concept and image. The primary goal is to develop a pedagogy of the "non," inspired by Bachelard's philosophy of the non, which encourages an education that transitions between scientific rationalism and poetic imagination. Drawing on the works of Gaston Bachelard, Gilbert Durand, and Jean-Jacques Wunenburger, the relationship between imagination and education is studied from a hermeneutic methodological perspective. By mobilizing the pedagogy of the non and the dreaming cogito, and based on material and formal imagination, as well as the euphemizing function of imagination, it is concluded that such a pedagogy, inspired by Bachelard's contributions, can effectively achieve an education of and for imagination by offering a new perspective on the appreciation of both scientific knowledge and imaginative development.
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