Sociological research in high school

Scientific production, professional education and technical assistance in education managing


  • Thiago Antônio de Oliveira Sá Universidade Federal de Alfenas-MG


University extension, quantitative methods, survey, high school, Covid-19


This extension action consisted of carrying out a survey in a state public school in Alfenas-MG. The investigation had scientific, didactic and social objectives. Scientifically, it was intended to know the socioeconomic profile of students at the school, explore the experiences, impacts and implications of the pandemic in their lives, identify their aspirations after completing high school and raise their perceptions about higher education. Didactically, the objective was to practice the methodological knowledge acquired in the subject “Sociological Research in Basic Education”. Socially, the aim was to provide the school with strategic information for decision-making regarding its public and to subsidize the extension team itself with data for the execution of another project in the same institution. The participants of the extension project advanced in the production of knowledge about the school reality in basic education during the pandemic, especially with regard to the experiences of high school students in this period. The project was also a formative opportunity for them, for intensive training in research methods and techniques. For the partner school, the initiative resulted in a database and an analytical report through which its management will develop appropriate management strategies, according to its conditions, needs, aspirations and student life projects.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Sá, T. A. (2022). Sociological research in high school : Scientific production, professional education and technical assistance in education managing. Conexão ComCiência, 2(3). Retrieved from