University, Communities, Education, Extension, CultureAbstract
In the search for overcoming gaps in the university extension, it becomes important to promote in a collaborative way moments that allow dialogues, exchange and construction of knowledge. Thus, we sought to share the experiences of the meetings "Exchange of knowledge", promoted during three semesters of the discipline of Principles of Ethnobiology and Environmental Education, of the Biological Science Course, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Faculdade de Filosofia Dom Aureliano Matos (FAFIDAM). To evaluate these meetings, a survey of the documents of organization and records was carried out. The three encounters exchange of knowledge were very different, but with the same proposal for dialogue between the subjects. They provided the interaction and reflection of knowledge and important emotions for the formation of future teachers, but also for all involved, who were able to exercise the reflective process of what was experienced, contributing to the proposal to curriculate the extension at the university.
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