Mandatory internship in Early Childhood Education: first experiences in teaching practice
Supervised Internship, Experiences, Pedagogy, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The present work aims to present the experiences acquired during Supervised Internship I, an obligatory curricular component of the Degree in Pedagogy course, with the fundamental objective of reporting the practices developed during this training experience, covering everything from the perspectives used, to the challenges and activities applied in the classroom universe, in order to highlight the importance of the theory-practice relationship for the training of the pedagogue. To this end, it is known that the mandatory internship maintains a strong training potential for professional development, being responsible for bringing the intern closer to the reality of the job market, allowing the improvement of skills and mastery of competencies. This report was developed based on the experiences achieved in Early Childhood Education, which contributed significantly to the teaching-learning processes in undergraduate courses.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Bárbara Heloísy Costa Lima , Mateus Pereira Freire
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