Palatalization, Orthography, VariationAbstract
The article in question addresses the variation of the /l/ sound before the vowel /i/ in the school context. The objective is to describe and analyze the interference of this variation in students’ writing. This linguistic phenomenon occurs due to the influence on the representation of the /l/ sound in words that contain the vowel /i/. The difficulty in interpreting this sound can be attributed to various factors, and the work aims to develop a diaphasic analysis according to the levels of schooling. The established objectives focused on the linguistic process of this palatalization variation, analyzing the corpus based on its diminutives. The research was conducted at Dr. Celso Malcher and Prof. Virgílio Libonati schools, involving classes from the 5th, 8th, 9th grades of elementary school and the 1st year of high school, located in the municipality of Belém - PA. This allowed for the collection of information and the conduct of bibliographic research. Thus, the studied variation requires a conscious approach in teaching, with orthographic practices and consideration of the influence of speech in the school environment.
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PARQUE DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA GUAMÁ – PCT. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 jun. 2023.
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