uma(s), um As Aulas de Geografia do Ponto de Vista do Professor de Geografia Multitarefas: Análise de Casos com Docentes da Educação Fundamental II
Professor de geografia; Família; Escola; Educação Pública; MultitarefasAbstract
This article has as its principle the study of teachers' reports from the public education network in fundamental II. Thus, the main issue is the difficulties that the geography teacher faces in the classroom, with regard to multitasking that goes beyond their free time. Furthermore, the purpose of this article is realized in aspects related to the educator and his daily life at school, bringing the dynamism of what involves education in the public sphere. Thus, dialoguing with authors such as (CARVALHO, 2014; PASSINI, 2011; SANTOS and TONIOSSO, 2014; POLONIA and DESSEN, 2014; CHECHIA and ANDRADE, 2005). As a methodology, there are two moments, firstly the theoretical construction through analytical studies and secondly the report of geography teachers to discuss their experiences and realities in the classroom. Through this analysis, it was possible to conclude that being a teacher is much more than teaching, but also caring.
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