Study on the properties of water: a didactic-investigative approach in high school
Investigative didactic sequence, Learning, Water propertiesAbstract
In this work, we aimed to analyze the contributions of an investigative didactic sequence (SDI). We carried out a pedagogical intervention research in a public school with high school students, where we developed a didactic sequence based on teaching by investigation, and later we analyzed the students' textual productions and the dialogue that we established in the classroom. We verified that the students were able to construct concepts related to the different properties of water. In addition, we noticed that biology teachers recognized in the lesson plan the importance of the investigative approach in effective student learning. Thus, we conclude that the SDI directed to the study of the properties of water offers conditions for the construction of scientific knowledge by the students and helped us in the construction of pedagogical knowledge from the exercise of teaching praxis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jordânia Oliveira de Sousa, Maria Elane de Carvalho Guerra, Maria Márcia Melo de Castro, Cícero Magérbio Gomes Torres

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