Naturalizing inequality in social work:
subjective dimension of the consubstantial ‘knot’
social inequality, poverty, race-class-gender, socio-historical psychologyAbstract
Brazil and Latin America have their social formation marked by processes of exploitation, domination, and
social inequality. This article is a possibility to review the hegemonic idea of social inequality and we introduce a critical view that considers it as an expression of the social issue in its consubstantial relations, having a ‘knot’ between the race-class-gender relations of domination-exploitation-oppression as a basis. It has been from this viewpoint that we aimed to debate social inequality, grasping its subjective dimension in the Social Work Policy in the light of socio-historical psychology. To do this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the concept of social inequality, which exists in the Brazilian Federal Social Work Law (Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social [LOAS]), in the Brazilian National Social Work Policy (Política Nacional de Assistência Social [PNAS]), and in the Basic Operational Standard of the Brazilian National Social Work System (Sistema Único de Assistência Social [SUAS]). In all documents, there is a concealment of the race-class-gender relations of domination-exploitation as mediations for grasping the phenomenon of social inequality and poverty, being translated as social vulnerability, hiding the contradictions of the social issue. Naturalizing social inequality translated into vulnerability and familism reproduces domination-exploitation-oppression models for the Social Work Policy users
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