Characteristics of the food environment around Emergency Care Units in different socioeconomic areas of a Brazilian metropolis
food environment, obesity, public food and nutrition policies.Abstract
The food environment can be defined as the set of opportunities and conditions that influence people's food choices and nutritional status. To analyze the community food environment around two Emergency Care Units (UPA), located in a socioeconomically and geographically distinct area of the municipality of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. Cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in 2023. To characterize the food environment, the instrument developed by the Collaborative Study Group on the University Food Environment (Calu) was used. Regarding data analysis, the distribution of the types of commercial outlets and foods available around the UPAs was described, relative and absolute frequencies, means and confidence intervals were calculated. The comparison of the availability of food and drinks in each UPA was evaluated using the Chi-Square test and the Mann-Whitney (U) test to verify differences in the quantity of types of food offered in different locations. Statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.005) were found in the items “offer of brown rice” (p = 0.005), “offer of other sauces” (p = 0.004) and “offer of juices in refreshments/puddings” (p = 0.000), a high predominance of businesses that offer “snack” type meals, and a greater variety of soft drinks around the UPA Zona Noroeste (p < 0.002). It was identified that despite the socioeconomic differences between the areas analyzed, the built food environment was very similar, with low availability of healthy foods.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Cardoso Machado da Silva, Ana Laura Benevenuto de Amorim, José Anael Neves
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