Rutin reduces doxorubicin-induced adipose tissue loss and improves antioxidant activity




Doxorrubicin. Adipose Tissue. Rutin. Redox Imbalance.


Doxorubicin (DX) is a chemotherapy drug that is widely used by neoplastic patients. However, it promotes deleterious side effects in non-tumor tissues, such as the adipose tissue. The mechanism of action of DX has been associated with greater production of reactive oxygen species, and therapies with antioxidant components, such as rutin, may be beneficial in reducing the adverse effects. Our work aimed at verifying the effect of rutin on adiposity and redox homeostasis of adipose tissue in mice treated with doxorubicin. Male Swiss mice were divided into three groups:  control group (CT);  doxorubicin (DX) group, that received intraperitoneally 2.5 mg/kg DX hydrochloride, twice a week for 2 weeks; and RT group (DX + rutin), that received, in addition to receiving to DX i.p., 10 mg/kg rutin orally, daily. Food intake and body weight were assessed weekly. Oxidative damage and activity of the antioxidant enzyme catalase were evaluated in the adipose tissue pads (subcutaneous, periepididymal and retroperitoneal). Rutin attenuated the loss of adipose tissue caused by DX, and increased catalase activity. These results demonstrate the importance of further studies to clarify the role of rutin in reducing chemotherapy-related side effects in organs relevant to the control of homeostasis.



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How to Cite

FREITAS, P. A. de; FALANGA, D. C. F.; LANDIM, R. C. . de S. L.; DUARTE, L. S. F.; OLIVEIRA, K. A. de; NASCIMENTO, N. R. F. do; OLIVEIRA, A. C. de. Rutin reduces doxorubicin-induced adipose tissue loss and improves antioxidant activity. Journal of Nutrition and Health Surveillance, Fortaleza, v. 11, n. 1, p. e12545, 2024. DOI: 10.59171/nutrivisa-2024v11e12545. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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