
Dear authors,

We inform you that Kalagatos is adhering to the new ABNT NBR 10520 / 2023 citation rules as of the next issue.

  • Dossier: Current affairs of structuralism


    Publication forecast 01/2025 Deadline for submission 10/31/2024

    In 1972, Gilles Deleuze published a text in which he sought to establish a certain number of criteria common to a movement that, since the early 1960s, seemed transform the field of problems in the human sciences. Entitled “How can you recognize structuralism?” and written as one of the chapters of “History of philosophy” by François Châtelet, Deleuze’s article listed seven central problems of this movement, for example, the problem of the symbolic, the serial and the
    differentiation, or even more obscure problems, difficult to define in a single criterion, as the problem of the subject and practice. Some of these common problems could be recognized in authors such as Foucault, Lacan, Althusser, Barthes and Lévi-Strauss, and we could include the 1968 and 1969 works of Deleuze himself, namely, “Difference and repetition” and “Logic of meaning”.
    However, although the apparent unity of this movement could be recognized for certain common problems, this unit was quickly placed under suspicion by its critics, and the epithet “structuralist” rejected by those who were designated as the protagonists of this  ovement. On the critics' side, accusations were about the lack of a true structuralist method, about the misunderstanding of the notion of structure and its supposed ahistorical character. Already on the side of those who were able to draw inspiration from their problems, the refusal to have their work classified as structuralists seemed to have their reason in the excessive importance that gave the role of language and meaning.
    But, if structuralism could provoke so many reactions, both positive, by pointing out to a new field of problems in the human sciences, both negative and suggest a limit to its generalization in the “sciences of man”, how can we evaluate this movement today and what relevance can we attribute to it? And if the discussions contemporary scenes animated by Jean-Claude Milner, Patrice Maniglier and Viveiros de Castro seem to give structuralism a new breath, in which we could recognize the relevance of its “distinctive signs” and what, from the 1950s to the 1970s, still constitutes a problem that  eserves to be posed based on what constitutes the our thoughts today?
    Thus, in order to promote discussions around structuralism and its current affairs, this dossier aims to open a space for theoretical, critical and
    analyzes that address some of the fundamental questions of this movement.

    Editors responsible for the dossier:
    Marcos Alexandre Gomes Nalli (UEL)
    Lorena de Paula Balbino (UEL)

    Read more about Dossier: Current affairs of structuralism
  • Artigos Bilíngues / Bilingual manuscripts


    Prezad@s autores,

    A Kalagatos está iniciando uma nova fase de internacionalização, para isso, estamos solicitando que os artigos que forem submetidos e aprovados, sejam escritos em duas versões, uma versão em português e a outra ou em espanhol, inglês, francês, italiano ou alemão. Dossiês e ensaios podem fugir a essa regra, contudo, daremos prioridade aos artigos que já vierem nesse modelo de dupla versão.

    Ressaltamos que a Kalagatos é uma revista que publica trabalhos de autores que sejam no mínimo doutorandos ou em co-autoria com um(a) doutor(a)/doutorando(a)


    Kalagatos begins a new phase of internationalization, for this reason, we are requesting that the articles that are submitted and approved be written in two versions, one version in Portuguese and the other in Spanish, English, French, Italian or German. Dossiers and essays can escape this rule, however, we will give priority to articles that already come in this double version model.

    We emphasize that Kalagatos is a journal that publishes works by authors who are at least PhD students or in co-authorship with a doctor/doctoral student


    Kalagatos commence une nouvelle phase d'internationalisation, c'est pourquoi nous demandons que les articles soumis et approuvés soient rédigés en deux versions, une version en portugais et l'autre en espagnol, anglais, français, italien ou allemand. Les dossiers et les essais peuvent échapper à cette règle, cependant, nous donnerons la priorité aux articles qui viennent déjà dans ce modèle de double version.

    Nous soulignons que Kalagatos est une revue qui publie des travaux d'auteurs au moins doctorants ou en co-signature avec un docteur/doctorant

    Kalagatos inicia una nueva etapa de internacionalización, por ello solicitamos que los artículos que se presenten y aprueben sean redactados en dos versiones, una en portugués y otra en español, inglés, francés, italiano o alemán. Los dossiers y ensayos pueden escapar a esta regla, sin embargo, daremos prioridad a los artículos que ya vienen en este modelo de doble versión.

    Destacamos que Kalagatos es una revista que publica trabajos de autores al menos doctorandos o en coautoría con un doctor/estudiante de doctorado

    Kalagatos inizia una nuova fase di internazionalizzazione, per questo motivo chiediamo che gli articoli presentati e approvati siano scritti in due versioni, una versione in portoghese e l'altra in spagnolo, inglese, francese, italiano o tedesco. Dossier e saggi possono sfuggire a questa regola, tuttavia, daremo priorità agli articoli che già arrivano in questo modello a doppia versione.

    Sottolineiamo che Kalagatos è una rivista che pubblica lavori di autori almeno dottorandi o in co-paternità con un dottorando

    Für Kalagatos beginnt eine neue Phase der Internationalisierung. Aus diesem Grund fordern wir, dass die eingereichten und genehmigten Artikel in zwei Versionen verfasst werden, eine Version auf Portugiesisch und die andere auf Spanisch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch oder Deutsch. Dossiers und Aufsätze können von dieser Regel ausgenommen werden, wir geben jedoch den Artikeln den Vorrang, die bereits in diesem Doppelversionsmodell vorliegen.

    Wir betonen, dass Kalagatos eine Zeitschrift ist, die Werke von Autoren veröffentlicht, die mindestens Doktoranden sind oder in Koautorenschaft mit einem Arzt/Doktoranden stehen



    Read more about Artigos Bilíngues / Bilingual manuscripts