Somatic symptom disorder

History, clinical aspects and contemporary classifications




Transtorno de sintomas somáticos, Classificação, História da Medicina


Objectives: To relate relevant historical references on the evolution of taxonomy and the concept of somatic symptom disorderand contribute to the updating of health professionals in formulating diagnoses for this new category. Methodology: All editions of the psychiatric classifications published by the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization were reviewed. In addition, the main textbooks on clinical psychiatry, texts on the history and evolution of this diagnosis and scientific articles written by the teams responsible for reviewing current classifications were considered. Development: An overview of the significant historical milestones regarding the evolution ofthe concept and the mainchanges in the classifications of this disorder over the years, up to the current editions, is presented. It ends with a description of the clinical characteristics, as defined in current manuals, equipping health professionals to assess and approach thiscondition. Conclusion: In the last editions of the ICD and the DSM, there was a diagnostic reconceptualization of the group of somatoform disorders, resulting in the establishment of the category of somatic symptoms disorder. It is essential that these innovations are disseminated and included in the syllabus of professional education, qualifications and training, in order to increase skills in clinical practice and provide a more accurate and uniform communication of information between health professionals.


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Author Biographies

Luis Lopes Sombra Neto, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Médico residente em psiquiatria

Igor Carvalho Marques, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Médico residente em psiquiatria

Thayanne Barreto de Lima, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Médica residente em psiquiatria

Augusto Andrade Campos de Moura Fé, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Acadêmico de medicina da FAMED/UFC

Eugênio de Moura Campos, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Doutor em Farmacologia. Professor de Psiquiatria da FAMED/UFC. Supervisor do PRM em Psiquiatria do HUWC/UFC


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How to Cite

Sombra Neto LL, Marques IC, Lima TB de, Fé AAC de M, Campos E de M. Somatic symptom disorder: History, clinical aspects and contemporary classifications. Dialog Interdis Psiq S Ment [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];1(1):53-9. Available from: