
  • Regiane da Silva Macuch Universidade Cesumar
  • Adriana Yanina Ortiz Univesidade Nacional de Salta


Service-learning, University social bonding, Higher education


It is proposed to socialize the experience of university social bonding developed in the Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion-UniCesumar, and to analyze the contributions of the service-learning pedagogy from a student perspective. Three analytical categories resulted from the document analysis of the reports of 19 participants: the subjective perception of the “professional self”, “the person myself”, “the other”. The experience involved a process of formation, acquisition of academic and contextual knowledge, interdisciplinary work, discovery of areas of interest, personal fulfillment and recognition of the other in the community space. It is concluded that the linking of academic activities with solidarity actions is an innovative path in higher education that enables students to play a leading role in generating meaningful learning and engaging in the management of their own knowledge.


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How to Cite

Macuch, R. da S., & Ortiz, A. Y. (2022). EXPERIÊNCIAS E PRÁTICAS DE APRENDIZAGEM-SERVIÇO NO CONTEXTO DA FORMAÇÃO STRICTU SENSU:: REFLETIR PARA PROMOVER. Conexão ComCiência, 2(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/conexaocomciencia/article/view/8168



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