Teacher training: interdisciplinarity, literacy and human rights
Teachers training, Inclusive Education, Human rights, Multidisciplinary projectAbstract
Experiencing inclusive practices so that it is possible to promote them in different contexts is a permanent challenge in higher education, often reproducing an education Freirean recognized as “banking”. The initial training of teachers for inclusive education, from the perspective of human rights, requires that courses promote experiences for students to build knowledge while respecting their repertoires and singularities. Starting from the student-teacher relationship, the teachers of a Pedagogy course, based on reading a literary work and discussions about the role of education professionals in overcoming the exclusion of students in schools, proposed an interdisciplinary project between arts, natural sciences and Portuguese language. From Ângela Kleiman's perspective on the issue of reading and interdisciplinarity, each area of knowledge took on its own and complementary paths over the course of three months. Contemplating multiple literacies, explored by Roxane Rojo, the teachers started from a literary work, to discuss aspects related to the three areas involved in the construction of knowledge. Seeking to teach critical thinking, as bell hooks wants, the project culminated in a science and literacy fair, promoting several training stages and the involvement of classes from the Pedagogy course. The most evident results state that interdisciplinary projects, based on multiple literacies and human rights, contribute to the construction of teaching and learning relationships that are inclusive, reflective and mobilize the protagonism of future teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Giselle Larizzatti Agazzi, Scarlet Karen Buzzi, Núria Araújo Marques
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