Teaching science and playfulness: approaches to student daily life
Science teaching, Playfulness, Student experienceAbstract
This work focuses on playfulness in science teaching and its relationship with children's daily lives, structured with the following research problem: how can students' daily lives involve playfulness and contribute to science teaching? Its objective is to understand how the inclusion of play in science teaching can favor the learning process based on children's everyday experiences. The theoretical framework consists of studies by Freire (2022a, 2022b), Marinho (2007) and Soares (2014). We used the methodology in a qualitative approach, following the literature review and presenting the type of action research. The subjects were students from a 3rd year elementary school class at a municipal public school in the city of Brejo Santo-CE, throughout the year 2023. We concluded that the inclusion of playfulness in science teaching strengthens the entire process of learning.
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Copyright (c) 2025 João Batista Monte de Oliveira , Cicera Sineide Dantas Rodrigues
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