Tecnologia e alfabetização
um estudo iconográfico de representações sociais
Representações sociais, Crianças, Imagens, TecnologiaAbstract
This article addresses the social representations of technology in the classroom in two moments: the first face-to-face, before the COVID-19 pandemic; and another in the remote class, during the pandemic. The objective of this work is to reflect on the use of technology as an auxiliary resource for teaching practice in a literacy classroom. The research was carried out in two literacy classrooms, with a total of 54 students. During the face-to-face period, students carried out activities using a touchscreen projector and, during the pandemic, they participated in synchronous and asynchronous classes. During the face-to-face period, the students drew and described the classes. In the remote period, they narrated and drew what it is like to learn through online activities. The results indicate that technologies have become important in the continuity of learning and methodologies, but it was evident that, for children, social relationships between them, colleagues and teachers are fundamental.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Denise Teberga Mendanã, Cleusa Vieira da Costa, Edna Maria Querido de Oliveira
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