
  • João Gabriel Rabello Sodré Georgetown University


Malvinas, Falklands, decoloniality, British Empire, Latin America


This article examines the Malvinas Museum and South Atlantic Islands, located in the Argentine capital. The institution seeks to intertwine physical aspects (bio bielogy, geology and related issues) with human issues (geography, history), reaffirming the thesis of Argentine sovereignty over the South Atlantic archipelago. In doing so, it seeks to criticize European imperialism, particularly British imperialism, promoting a debate that goes beyond the dispute, also incorporating a regional (Latin American) perspective on the issue. However, it is argued that the narrative adopted by the Buenos Aires museum, by reaffirming Eurocentric instruments, such as the Treaty of Tordesillas, as well as nationalist references, such as heroes of Argentine independence, ends up reinforcing a European narrative of domination. This perspective ignores native peoples and subalternized groups, such as black communities in the Americas. Although the critique of European imperialism is obvious and necessary, the institution's response uses concrete and symbolic instruments very similar to those historically adopted by European countries and their allies. This article also considers aspects of so-called "shadow tourism", juxtaposing theoretical concepts of the niche in order to analyze the Argentine institution. It concludes that the museum plays an important role in bringing educational contributions to the general public, while missing the opportunity to incorporate inclusive and effectively decolonial perspectives.

Author Biography

João Gabriel Rabello Sodré, Georgetown University

Pós-doutor. Georgetown University.  ORCID: E-mail:


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How to Cite

RABELLO SODRÉ, J. G. MUSEU MALVINAS E ILHAS DO ATLÂNTICO SUL: : ENTRAVES NARRATIVOS E CRÍTICA DESCOLONIAL QUARENTA ANOS APÓS O CONFLITO(1982-2022). Journal of History Bilros: History(s), Society(ies) and Culture(s), [S. l.], v. 10, n. 20, p. 19, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

