O Suposto saber para Lacan e o Eu Hermeneuticus.
É possível uma aproximação?
Psychoanalysis, hermeneutics; speech ; transference ; understanding.Abstract
In this article, we intend to clarify the concepts of place of supposed knowledge for Lacan, and make possible approximations with the concept of I hermeneuticus of hermeneutic philosophy. For Lacan, the concept of the position of the analyst as a subject of supposed knowledge is given as the one who does not have all the knowledge about the other. This position is based on the transfer process, that is, what happens in the analyst-analysand relationship, which permeates the field of speech, and which is initially built in a relationship of affection, commitment, and trust in the analyst. For Rohden, the hermeneuticus self is the place of the philosopher who places himself in an exchange posture with the other, the one who proposes to listen and understand the world of the other without dominating it.
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