About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Polymatheia - Philosophy Magazine (Qualis B1)

is a scientific journal created and edited by the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the State University of Ceará - PPGFIL-UECE, aimed at publishing articles by postgraduate students and postgraduates in Philosophy.

State University of Ceará - UECE

Humanities Center – CH

Postgraduate Program in Philosophy - PPGFil

Polymatheia - Philosophy Journal

ISSN: 1984-9575

Qualis: B1

Target Audience

Polymatheira is aimed at a broad audience of researchers, teachers, students, consultants and other professionals who work in national and international public, private and third sector organizations.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts received by Polymatheia are initially subjected to desk review. At this stage, the editors analyze:

(1) whether the work matches the Focus and Scope of the journal, and  (2) whether the Guidelines for Authors have been met. Articles accepted in this first phase are sent for merit assessment using the double blind review system. Manuscripts are evaluated considering the relevance of the topic studied for the area, the writing, the logical chain of the theoretical review with the use of appropriate references, the suitability of the methodological procedures, the depth and consistency of the analyses, the outline of conclusions and the relevance of contributions. This stage of the evaluation process can last up to 6 months, and at its end, the authors are notified of the editorial decision. When evaluators request adjustments to the article, authors will be granted, at the editor's discretion, a period of between thirty and sixty days to incorporate the requested suggestions and corrections. The final decision on whether or not to publish the work is always made by the editor-in-chief, based on the opinions of other editors and ad hoc consultants. Completion of this process does not imply the immediate publication of the article, it is up to the editors, in accordance with editorial policies, to prepare the guidelines and decide the appropriate time for publication.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Authors must guarantee the originality of texts sent to the journal and all references to works by different authors must be duly explained, indicated with quotation marks (in the case of direct quotations) and referenced in the body of the text.

To prevent plagiarism, we encourage reviewers to comment on the originality of submissions and we implement the use of software to identify plagiarism in all submissions.

This journal follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for preventing plagiarism: https://publicationethics.org and has been using the tools SimilarityCheck (iThenticate) or Turnitin to check approved submissions.


The periodicity of Polymatheia is Semiannual/Biannual: January-June and July-December.

Copyright Declaration


1. Authors retain copyright and grant the magazine the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 which allows sharing of the work with recognition of the work's authorship and initial publication in this magazine.
2. Authors are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes as well as increase impact and the citation of the published work.
4. No fees or contributions will be requested from authors. The magazine does not charge any type of fee to either its authors or its readers. Our policy is to encourage the public and free sharing of knowledge.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. The journal complies with the BOAI definition of open access.

Digital Archiving Policy
All manuscripts published on our platform are stored digitally using LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.

Responsibility for content

None of the organizations or people involved in the journal's editorial and management committee or process are responsible for the content of the articles. This responsibility lies entirely with the authors of the respective texts.

All authors must have participated in the preparation of articles so that they can publicly assume responsibility for their content. To what