Analysis of public policy changes:

the neo-institutionalist perspective


  • Carmem Emmanuely Leitão Araújo Doutora em Ciência Política – UFMG
  •  Eleonora Schettini Martins Cunha Doutora em Ciência Política – UFMG e Professora Aposentada do Departamento de Ciência Política - UFMG



Public Policy, Institutional Change, New Institutionalism


This article aims to analyze the potential of New Institutionalism, especially in its historical version, for explaining public policy changes. The perspective at stake has been developed relying on theoretical heterogeneity as a basis, with an emphasis on stability, and, when it focuses on change, on the prominence of exogenous factors. However, the recent theoretical renewal of this area has allowed the emergence of analytical models attentive to the various types of change and the institutional dynamics – a term that refers to the connection between institutional factors and political processes. The contribution of this reformulation and its analytical potential, especially for public policy changes, guided the theoretical research whose results are presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Leitão Araújo, C. E., & MartinsCunha, EleonoraS. (2019). Analysis of public policy changes:: the neo-institutionalist perspective. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 9(22), 170–187.


