Benefícios da aplicação de óleos essenciais em embalagens ativas biodegradáveis de alimentos
Os óleos essenciais (OEs) são um grupo de compostos botânicos com potentes propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobianas. Consistem em uma mistura complexa de compostos fenólicos, terpenos e terpenoides. A incorporação de OEs nas embalagens pode melhorar suas propriedades físico-químicas, mecânicas, antimicrobianas e antioxidantes. A aplicabilidade da embalagem ativa consiste na utilização de matérias que podem liberar, emitir, absorver ou retirar substâncias direta ou indiretamente do alimento para manter a qualidade ou retardar sua degradação. Sua tecnologia consiste na utilização de compostos ativos com propriedades antioxidantes ou antimicrobianas incorporados em uma matriz polimérica, revestimentos ou em rótulos, almofadas ou sachês. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo explorar o potencial do uso de OEs em embalagens ativas na conservação de alimentos através do uso de embalagens biodegradáveis. A pesquisa foi conduzida em três bases de dados de referência: Scopus, PubMed e Science Direct. A seleção de estudos foi através da aplicação de termos combinados ao operador booleano "AND". As palavras-chave empregadas foram: "active food packaging", "biodegradable packaging" e "essential oils". Para refinar a busca, foram aplicados os seguintes filtros: texto integral disponível; texto integral de acesso gratuito e idioma inglês, resultando em 199 trabalhos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, um total de 41 artigos foram selecionados para compor o corpus da presente revisão sistemática.
ABDUL KHALIL, H. P. S.; BANERJEE, A.; SAURABH, C. K.; TYE, Y. Y.; SURIANI, A. B.; MOHAMED, A.; KARIM, A. A.; RIZAL, S.; PARIDAH, M. T. Biodegradable Films for Fruits and Vegetables Packaging Application: Preparation and Properties. Food Engineering Reviews, v. 10, n. 3, p. 139–153, set. 2018.
ABEDI, A.; LAKZADEH, L.; AMOUHEYDARI, M. Effect of an edible coating composed of whey protein concentrate and rosemary essential oil on the shelf life of fresh spinach. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, v. 45, n. 4, p. e15284, 2021.
AHMED, I.; LIN, H.; ZOU, L.; BRODY, A. L.; LI, Z.; QAZI, I. M.; PAVASE, T. R.; LV, L. A comprehensive review on the application of active packaging technologies to muscle foods. Food Control, v. 82, p. 163–178, dez. 2017.
AHMED, J.; ARFAT, Y. A.; BHER, A.; MULLA, M.; JACOB, H.; AURAS, R. Active Chicken Meat Packaging Based on Polylactide Films and Bimetallic Ag–Cu Nanoparticles and Essential Oil. Journal of Food Science, v. 83, n. 5, p. 1299–1310, 2018.
ALARCÓN-MOYANO, J. K.; BUSTOS, R. O.; HERRERA, M. L.; MATIACEVICH, S. B. Alginate edible films containing microencapsulated lemongrass oil or citral: effect of encapsulating agent and storage time on physical and antimicrobial properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, v. 54, n. 9, p. 2878–2889, ago. 2017.
ALIZADEH-SANI, M.; EHSANI, A.; MOGHADDAS KIA, E.; KHEZERLOU, A. Microbial gums: introducing a novel functional component of edible coatings and packaging. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 103, n. 17, p. 6853–6866, set. 2019.
ALIZADEH-SANI, M.; KHEZERLOU, A.; EHSANI, A. Fabrication and characterization of the bionanocomposite film based on whey protein biopolymer loaded with TiO2 nanoparticles, cellulose nanofibers and rosemary essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products, v. 124, p. 300–315, 2018.
ALIZADEH-SANI, M.; MOHAMMADIAN, E.; MCCLEMENTS, D. J. Eco-friendly active packaging consisting of nanostructured biopolymer matrix reinforced with TiO(2) and essential oil: Application for preservation of refrigerated meat. Food chemistry, v. 322, p. 126782, ago. 2020.
ALMEIDA-COUTO, J. M. F. D. E.; RESSUTTE, J. B.; CARDOZO-FILHO, L.; CABRAL, V. F. Current extraction methods and potential use of essential oils for quality and safety assurance of foods. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 94, n. 2, p. e20191270, 2022.
AL-MOGHAZY, M.; EL-SAYED, H. S.; SALAMA, H. H.; NADA, A. A. Edible packaging coating of encapsulated thyme essential oil in liposomal chitosan emulsions to improve the shelf life of Karish cheese. Food Bioscience, v. 43, p. 101230, out. 2021.
ALPARSLAN, Y.; BAYGAR, T. Effect of Chitosan Film Coating Combined with Orange Peel Essential Oil on the Shelf Life of Deepwater Pink Shrimp. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. 10, n. 5, p. 842–853, maio 2017.
AMOROSO, L.; RIZZO, V.; MURATORE, G. Nutritional values of potato slices added with rosemary essential oil cooked in sous vide bags. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, v. 15, p. 1–5, abr. 2019.
ANGELLIER-COUSSY, H.; CHALIER, P.; GASTALDI, E.; GUILLARD, V.; GUILLAUME, C.; GONTARD, N.; PEYRON, S. Protein-Based Nanocomposites for Food Packaging. Em: Biopolymer Nanocomposites. [s.l.] John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013. p. 613–654.
BAGHI, F.; GHARSALLAOUI, A.; DUMAS, E.; GHNIMI, S. Advancements in Biodegradable Active Films for Food Packaging: Effects of Nano/Microcapsule Incorporation. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), v. 11, n. 5, mar. 2022.
BASHIR, A.; JABEEN, S.; GULL, N.; ISLAM, A.; SULTAN, M.; GHAFFAR, A.; KHAN, S. M.; IQBAL, S. S.; JAMIL, T. Co-concentration effect of silane with natural extract on biodegradable polymeric films for food packaging. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 106, p. 351–359, jan. 2018.
BENBETTAÏEB, N.; TANNER, C.; CAYOT, P.; KARBOWIAK, T.; DEBEAUFORT, F. Impact of functional properties and release kinetics on antioxidant activity of biopolymer active films and coatings. Food Chemistry, v. 242, p. 369–377, mar. 2018.
BHARGAVA, N.; SHARANAGAT, V. S.; MOR, R. S.; KUMAR, K. Active and intelligent biodegradable packaging films using food and food waste-derived bioactive compounds: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 105, p. 385–401, 2020.
BHARTI, S. K.; PATHAK, V.; ALAM, T.; ARYA, A.; SINGH, V. K.; VERMA, A. K.; RAJKUMAR, V. Materialization of novel composite bio-based active edible film functionalized with essential oils on antimicrobial and antioxidative aspect of chicken nuggets during extended storage. Journal of food science, v. 85, n. 9, p. 2857–2865, set. 2020.
BUENDÍA−MORENO, L.; SOTO−JOVER, S.; ROS−CHUMILLAS, M.; ANTOLINOS, V.; NAVARRO−SEGURA, L.; SÁNCHEZ−MARTÍNEZ, M. J.; MARTÍNEZ−HERNÁNDEZ, G. B.; LÓPEZ−GÓMEZ, A. Innovative cardboard active packaging with a coating including encapsulated essential oils to extend cherry tomato shelf life. LWT, v. 116, p. 108584, 2019.
CASTRO MAYORGA, J. L.; FABRA ROVIRA, M. J.; CABEDO MAS, L.; SÁNCHEZ MORAGAS, G.; LAGARÓN CABELLO, J. M. Antimicrobial nanocomposites and electrospun coatings based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and copper oxide nanoparticles for active packaging and coating applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 135, n. 2, p. 45673, 2018.
CAZÓN, P.; VELAZQUEZ, G.; RAMÍREZ, J. A.; VÁZQUEZ, M. Polysaccharide-based films and coatings for food packaging: A review. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 68, p. 136–148, 2017.
CHANDRAN, H.; MEENA, M.; SHARMA, K. Microbial Biodiversity and Bioremediation Assessment Through Omics Approaches. Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, v. 1, 2020.
CHAUDHARY, P.; FATIMA, F.; KUMAR, A. Relevance of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging and its Advanced Future Prospects. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, v. 30, n. 12, p. 5180–5192, dez. 2020.
DAJIC STEVANOVIC, Z.; SIENIAWSKA, E.; GLOWNIAK, K.; OBRADOVIC, N.; PAJIC-LIJAKOVIC, I. Natural Macromolecules as Carriers for Essential Oils: From Extraction to Biomedical Application. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, v. 8, p. 563, 2020.
DELSHADI, R.; BAHRAMI, A.; ASSADPOUR, E.; WILLIAMS, L.; JAFARI, S. M. Nano/microencapsulated natural antimicrobials to control the spoilage microorganisms and pathogens in different food products. Food Control, v. 128, p. 108180, out. 2021.
DIMA, C.; ASSADPOUR, E.; DIMA, S.; JAFARI, S. M. Bioactive-loaded nanocarriers for functional foods: from designing to bioavailability. Sensory Science & Consumer Perception • Food Physics and Material Science, v. 33, p. 21–29, jun. 2020.
DIN, M. I.; GHAFFAR, T.; NAJEEB, J.; HUSSAIN, Z.; KHALID, R.; ZAHID, H. Potential perspectives of biodegradable plastics for food packaging application-review of properties and recent developments. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, v. 37, n. 4, p. 665–680, abr. 2020.
DUTTA, D.; SIT, N. Application of natural extracts as active ingredient in biopolymer based packaging systems. Journal of food science and technology, v. 60, n. 7, p. 1888–1902, jul. 2023.
FALLEH, H.; JEMAA, M. BEN; SAADA, M.; KSOURI, R. Essential oils: A promising eco-friendly food preservative. Food chemistry, v. 330, p. 127268, nov. 2020.
FERNÁNDEZ-LÓPEZ, J.; VIUDA-MARTOS, M. Introduction to the Special Issue: Application of Essential Oils in Food Systems. Foods, v. 7, n. 4, 2018.
FERNÁNDEZ-MARÍN, R.; MUJTABA, M.; CANSARAN-DUMAN, D.; SALHA, G. BEN; ANDRÉS SÁNCHEZ, M. Á.; LABIDI, J.; FERNANDES, S. C. M. Effect of Deterpenated Origanum majorana L. Essential Oil on the Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Chitosan/β-Chitin Nanofibers Nanocomposite Films. Polymers, v. 13, n. 9, 2021.
FERREIRA, V. R. F.; BRANDÃO, R. M.; FREITAS, M. P.; SACZK, A. A.; FELIX, F. S.; SILLA, J. M.; TEIXEIRA, M. L.; CARDOSO, M. DAS G. Colorimetric, electroanalytical and theoretical evaluation of the antioxidant activity of Syzygium aromaticum L., Origanum vulgare L., Mentha spicata L. and Eremanthus erythropappus M. essential oils, and their major constituents. New J. Chem., v. 43, n. 20, p. 7653–7662, 2019.
GÖKSEN, G.; FABRA, M. J.; EKIZ, H. I.; LÓPEZ-RUBIO, A. Phytochemical-loaded electrospun nanofibers as novel active edible films: Characterization and antibacterial efficiency in cheese slices. Food Control, v. 112, p. 107133, jun. 2020.
Groh, Ksenia J., Thomas Backhaus, Bethanie Carney-Almroth, Birgit Geueke, Pedro A. Inostroza, Anna Lennquist, Heather A. Leslie, Maricel Maffini, Daniel Slunge, Leonardo Trasande, A. Michael Warhurst, e Jane Muncke. Overview of known plastic packaging-associated chemicals and their hazards. Science of The Total Environment, v. 651, p. 3253–3268, fev. 2019.
HAN, Y.; YU, M.; WANG, L. Physical and antimicrobial properties of sodium alginate/carboxymethyl cellulose films incorporated with cinnamon essential oil. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, v. 15, p. 35–42, mar. 2018.
HAO, R.; ROY, K.; PAN, J.; SHAH, B. R.; MRAZ, J. Critical review on the use of essential oils against spoilage in chilled stored fish: A quantitative meta-analyses. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 111, p. 175–190, 2021.
HASHEMINEJAD, N.; KHODAIYAN, F. The effect of clove essential oil loaded chitosan nanoparticles on the shelf life and quality of pomegranate arils. Food Chemistry, v. 309, p. 125520, mar. 2020.
HASSOUN, A.; EMIR ÇOBAN, Ö. Essential oils for antimicrobial and antioxidant applications in fish and other seafood products. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 68, p. 26–36, out. 2017.
HIGUERAS, L.; LÓPEZ-CARBALLO, G.; HERNÁNDEZ-MUÑOZ, P.; GAVARA, R.; ROLLINI, M. Development of a novel antimicrobial film based on chitosan with LAE (ethyl-Nα-dodecanoyl-l-arginate) and its application to fresh chicken. International Journal of Food Microbiology, v. 165, n. 3, p. 339–345, 2013.
HOU, X.; XUE, Z.; XIA, Y.; QIN, Y.; ZHANG, G.; LIU, H.; LI, K. Effect of SiO2 nanoparticle on the physical and chemical properties of eco-friendly agar/sodium alginate nanocomposite film. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 125, p. 1289–1298, 2019.
IORDANSKII, A. Bio-Based and Biodegradable Plastics: From Passive Barrier to Active Packaging Behavior. Polymers, v. 12, n. 7, 2020.
IVANKOVIĆ, A.; ZELJKO, K.; TALIĆ, S.; MARTINOVIĆ BEVANDA, A.; LASIĆ, M. BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Archiv für lebensmittelhygiene, v. 68, p. 23–52, mar. 2017.
JACINTO-VALDERRAMA, R. A.; ANDRADE, C. T.; PATEIRO, M.; LORENZO, J. M.; CONTE-JUNIOR, C. A. Recent Trends in Active Packaging Using Nanotechnology to Inhibit Oxidation and Microbiological Growth in Muscle Foods. Foods, v. 12, n. 19, 2023.
KAKADELLIS, S.; HARRIS, Z. M. Don’t scrap the waste: The need for broader system boundaries in bioplastic food packaging life-cycle assessment – A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 274, p. 122831, 2020.
KAMKAR, A.; MOLAEE-AGHAEE, E.; KHANJARI, A.; AKHONDZADEH-BASTI, A.; NOUDOOST, B.; SHARIATIFAR, N.; ALIZADEH SANI, M.; SOLEIMANI, M. Nanocomposite active packaging based on chitosan biopolymer loaded with nano-liposomal essential oil: Its characterizations and effects on microbial, and chemical properties of refrigerated chicken breast fillet. International journal of food microbiology, v. 342, p. 109071, mar. 2021.
KAUR, R.; KAUR, L. Encapsulated natural antimicrobials: A promising way to reduce microbial growth in different food systems. Food Control, v. 123, p. 107678, maio 2021.
KUAI, L.; LIU, F.; CHIOU, B.-S.; AVENA-BUSTILLOS, R. J.; MCHUGH, T. H.; ZHONG, F. Controlled release of antioxidants from active food packaging: A review. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 120, p. 106992, 2021.
LAKSHMIBALASUBRAMANIAM, S.; HOWELL, C.; TAJVIDI, M.; SKONBERG, D. Characterization of novel cellulose nanofibril and phenolic acid-based active and hydrophobic packaging films. Food chemistry, v. 374, p. 131773, abr. 2022.
LIN, L.; GU, Y.; CUI, H. Moringa oil/chitosan nanoparticles embedded gelatin nanofibers for food packaging against Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus on cheese. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, v. 19, p. 86–93, 2019.
LIN, L.; GU, Y.; SUN, Y.; CUI, H. Characterization of chrysanthemum essential oil triple-layer liposomes and its application against Campylobacter jejuni on chicken. LWT, v. 107, fev. 2019.
LIU, Y.; AHMED, S.; SAMEEN, D. E.; WANG, Y.; LU, R.; DAI, J.; LI, S.; QIN, W. A review of cellulose and its derivatives in biopolymer-based for food packaging application. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 112, p. 532–546, jun. 2021.
ŁUPINA, K.; KOWALCZYK, D.; ZIEBA, E.; KAZIMIERCZAK, W.; MĘŻYŃSKA, M.; BASIURA‐CEMBALA, M.; WIĄCEK, A. Edible films made from blends of gelatin and polysaccharide-based emulsifiers - A comparative study. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 96, p. 555–567, maio 2019., J.; MA, X.; XIE, J. Review on Natural Preservatives for Extending Fish Shelf Life. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), v. 8, n. 10, out. 2019.
MELLINAS, C.; RAMOS, M.; JIMÉNEZ, A.; GARRIGÓS, M. C. Recent Trends in the Use of Pectin from Agro-Waste Residues as a Natural-Based Biopolymer for Food Packaging Applications. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), v. 13, n. 3, fev. 2020.
MOEINI, A.; GERMANN, N.; MALINCONICO, M.; SANTAGATA, G. Formulation of secondary compounds as additives of biopolymer-based food packaging: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 114, p. 342–354, ago. 2021.
MOHAMED, S. A. A.; EL-SAKHAWY, M.; EL-SAKHAWY, M. A.-M. Polysaccharides, Protein and Lipid -Based Natural Edible Films in Food Packaging: A Review. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 238, p. 116178, jun. 2020.
MOTELICA, L.; FICAI, D.; FICAI, A.; OPREA, O. C.; KAYA, D. A.; ANDRONESCU, E. Biodegradable Antimicrobial Food Packaging: Trends and Perspectives. Foods, v. 9, n. 10, 2020.
MUJTABA, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-MARÍN, R.; ROBLES, E.; LABIDI, J.; YILMAZ, B. A.; NEFZI, H. Understanding the effects of copolymerized cellulose nanofibers and diatomite nanocomposite on blend chitosan films. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 271, p. 118424, nov. 2021.
NETO, A. C. DA R.; BEAUDRY, R.; MARASCHIN, M.; PIERO, R. M. DI; ALMENAR, E. Double-bottom antimicrobial packaging for apple shelf-life extension. Food Chemistry, v. 279, p. 379–388, 2019.
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PAVLI, F.; ARGYRI, A. A.; SKANDAMIS, P.; NYCHAS, G.-J.; TASSOU, C.; CHORIANOPOULOS, N. Antimicrobial Activity of Oregano Essential Oil Incorporated in Sodium Alginate Edible Films: Control of Listeria monocytogenes and Spoilage in Ham Slices Treated with High Pressure Processing. Materials, v. 12, n. 22, 2019.
PERERA, K. Y.; JAISWAL, A. K.; JAISWAL, S. Biopolymer-Based Sustainable Food Packaging Materials: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications. Foods, v. 12, n. 12, 2023.
PIRES, P. G. S.; LEUVEN, A. F. R.; FRANCESCHI, C. H.; MACHADO, G. S.; PIRES, P. D. S.; MORAES, P. O.; KINDLEIN, L.; ANDRETTA, I. Effects of rice protein coating enriched with essential oils on internal quality and shelf life of eggs during room temperature storage. Poultry Science, v. 99, n. 1, p. 604–611, dez. 2019.
PRIYADARSHI, R.; SAURAJ; KUMAR, B.; DEEBA, F.; KULSHRESHTHA, A.; NEGI, Y. S. Chitosan films incorporated with Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel essential oil as active food packaging material. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 85, p. 158–166, dez. 2018.
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RIZZO, V.; AMOROSO, L.; LICCIARDELLO, F.; MAZZAGLIA, A.; MURATORE, G.; RESTUCCIA, C.; LOMBARDO, S.; PANDINO, G.; STRANO, M. G.; MAUROMICALE, G. The effect of sous vide packaging with rosemary essential oil on storage quality of fresh-cut potato. LWT, v. 94, p. 111–118, ago. 2018.
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SARFRAZ, J.; HANSEN, A. Å.; HAUGEN, J.-E.; LE, T.-A.; NILSEN, J.; SKARET, J.; HUYNH, T. P.; PETTERSEN, M. K. Biodegradable Active Packaging as an Alternative to Conventional Packaging: A Case Study with Chicken Fillets. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), v. 10, n. 5, maio 2021.
SEYDIM, A. C.; SARIKUS-TUTAL, G.; SOGUT, E. Effect of whey protein edible films containing plant essential oils on microbial inactivation of sliced Kasar cheese. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, v. 26, p. 100567, dez. 2020.
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SOUZA, A. G. DE; SANTOS, N. M. A. DOS; SILVA TORIN, R. F. DA; SANTOS ROSA, D. DOS. Synergic antimicrobial properties of Carvacrol essential oil and montmorillonite in biodegradable starch films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 164, p. 1737–1747, dez. 2020.
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ZHOU, Y.; MIAO, X.; LAN, X.; LUO, J.; LUO, T.; ZHONG, Z.; GAO, X.; MAFANG, Z.; JI, J.; WANG, H.; TANG, Y. Angelica Essential Oil Loaded Electrospun Gelatin Nanofibers for Active Food Packaging Application. Polymers, v. 12, n. 2, fev. 2020.
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