Em que (ainda) se pode reconhecer o estruturalismo? A via de Patrice Maniglier


  • André Dias de Andrade




Estruturalismo, Saussure, Deleuze, Maniglier, Comparatismo, Ontologia


We raise the question, initiated by the heirs of structuralism, regarding this important analytical tool. By recovering some structuralist theses, from Saussure and, currently, from Maniglier, we aim to update the issue and consider structuralism as a philosophy. To do so, we will analyze Saussurean's conception of the sign, and then recover the “Dionysian” structuralism as defended by Patrice Maniglier. Finally, we question what it could mean to no longer 'recognize' or 'use' structuralism, but truly 'be' a structuralist, advancing a coherent and original theory.



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How to Cite

DIAS DE ANDRADE, A. Em que (ainda) se pode reconhecer o estruturalismo? A via de Patrice Maniglier. Kalagatos, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 1, p. ek24004, 2025. DOI: 10.52521/kg.v22i1.14683. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/kalagatos/article/view/14683. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



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