A transdisciplinary reading of “The poetics of space” based on the somaesthetics of meditative states in yoga, Christian meditation and mindfulness
Poetic Image, Somaesthetics, Yoga, Christian Meditation, MindfulnessAbstract
In “The Poetics of Space” Bachelard presents ideas that contribute to the phenomenological understanding of meditative states in yoga, christian meditation and mindfulness. And, on the other hand, in a transdisciplinary way, crossing the boundaries between subject and object of research, it is considered that the practices of ecstasy contribute to the somaesthetic understanding (cf. Richard Shusterman) of poetic images, both experienced from the totality of aesthetic-somatic perception based on the present moment. Meditative practices, interpreted as a somaesthetic experience, come close to considering that poetic images have a being of their own, arising from a direct ontology (Bachelard), also based on the present moment in which they emerge to aesthetic-somatic perception. In this line of analysis, some correlations are presented between poetic images and meditative states as somaesthetic experiences, which are more evident in themes such as silence, words, immobility that opens the somatic totality to an experience of the infinite, among others.
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