Formação de agentes ambientais comunitários no contexto do combate à desertificação da caatinga nos sertões de Crateús


  • Thais Menezes IFCE campus Crateús


soils, caatinga, environmental agents


Soils are extremely important for human beings, thanks to them we can produce and consume what we produce, for that we need soil in perfect conditions. Soil is formed primarily in matrix rock or mother rock and combined with other factors such as rain, sun, wind, small animals and plants, forms our soils. In the Caatinga Biome, there is variation in fauna and flora, showing different species in its extension, Caatinga soil presents nutritive elements for plants, but due to lack of rain, rare soils and the possibility of excess salts, causing difficulty in non-suitable species. . Aiming at raising awareness and educating, our community created a booklet on the "soils of our backyard", which seeks through text, educational materials and practical activities suggested for teachers to work in the classroom, on the issue of soil formation, of the Caatinga Biome, on soil degradation and its importance.



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How to Cite

Menezes, T. (2022). Formação de agentes ambientais comunitários no contexto do combate à desertificação da caatinga nos sertões de Crateús. Conexão ComCiência, 3(1). Retrieved from



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