A experiência da implantação do horto medicinal na pastoral da saúde no município de Humaitá-AM, Brasil
Fitoterapia, Laboratório vivo, Práticas educativas, Região norteAbstract
The use of medicinal plants as a therapeutic practice dates back to antiquity. With this, the present work aimed to implement a medicinal garden in the Pastoral da Saúde in Humaitá-AM. The activities were initially developed with the execution of educational lectures on plant species; collection of material from reuse; preparation of land, soil and planting of seedlings of medicinal plants; growth monitoring; watering; irrigation and cleaning of the medicinal garden. The medicinal plants that were cultivated were: rosemary, boldo, chamomile, lemon balm, mint and basil. The seedlings were grown in pet bottles where they received commercial substrate for better growth and vegetative. It was noted that there was student participation and interaction during the steps performed, allowing the medicinal garden to be used as a living laboratory for teaching-learning transformation, where it incorporates the transversality of knowledge and citizenship and that knowledge is passed on from generation to generation.
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