
  • Francisco Wilson Soares Cruz SEDUC-PI


Keywords: Cordel Literature, Geography Teaching, Pedagogical Practices.



The teaching of geography was notable for being purely descriptive and traditional, concerned merely with concepts, usually through lectures about far regions, away from the students´ environment.For many years, geography has been seen as a less dynamic discipline. And thus, stigmatized by this premise for several generations in the school environment.Today, we know that geographic knowledge is extremely dynamic, interdisciplinary and mainly connected with several possibilities for its dissemination. Especially with the rise of new technologies from the globalization. In search of a better teaching-learning process, marked by the participation of students in the production of knowledge, based on their social and cultural experience established in their daily lives.The present work is called “Cordel literature in the Teaching of Geography”. It represents another proposal to be used as a teaching resource in Geography classes. Opening up space for a pedagogical new way of learning that arises from the analysis of the local reality based on the valorization of popular knowledge and the typical culture of the Northeast region. Cordel literature opens space for a dialogue between academic and school medium. And the popular knowledge, provided by reading existing cordels, those produced by themselves and those produced by students themselves, from their local experiences.


Keywords: Cordel Literature, Geography Teaching, Pedagogical Practices.




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How to Cite

Soares Cruz, F. W. (2022). LITERATURA DE CORDEL: DA RIMA POPULAR AO ENSINO DA GEOGRAFIA. Conexão ComCiência, 2(3). Retrieved from