The Evaluation of the Impact of the Results of the University Extension Activities of the Project Supere-se Para Crescer e Make Crescer


  • Ilídio Gaspar Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo


University extension, Project, Social impact


The present investigation comes within the scope of the university extension project Supere-se para Crescer e Fazer Crescer of the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bengo, which articulates teaching and research in the solution of social problems, considering that university extension is an essential tool. that universities have for the production of knowledge with a view to social transformation. The research reflects the main objective of evaluating the social impact of the university extension activities of the aforementioned project. For this purpose, the Quantitative approach was used. The results obtained reveal the theoretical and practical contribution of the project to the permanent improvement of Primary School teachers and the educational guidelines for families with pre-school age children for later school achievement.


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How to Cite

Gaspar, I. (2024). The Evaluation of the Impact of the Results of the University Extension Activities of the Project Supere-se Para Crescer e Make Crescer. Conexão ComCiência, 2(4). Retrieved from



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