Educational dimensions in the community: reflections on collective activities in the Quilombo


  • Roberth Luiz Nogueira da Costa Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará


Education, Puxiruns, Transfer, Collectivity


The research in question aims to report the experience of the educational dimensions present in the collective activities of Quilombo Pacoval, located in the municipality of Alenquer in the State of Pará. The experience report was carried out from a qualitative methodological approach and, for the collection/ data construction, we used semi-structured interviews, informal conversations, the field notebook, observation and analysis of images. In this way, to carry out the analyses, we used the oral history and memory of the participants, to understand how these dimensions are present in the way of organizing these manifestations, how the transfer of these educational elements happens and how they are inserted in school education. community quilombola. It is concluded that the educational dimensions are indeed present in cultural manifestations and in the most diverse forms of passing on knowledge, of socialization.

Author Biography

Roberth Luiz Nogueira da Costa, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Graduado em História e Geografia - UFOPA (2016) e Letras – Língua - UFPA (2010). Pós graduado em Gestão Escolar UFOPA (2014), Prof. Esp. em Metodologia do Ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura pela Uniasselvi (2018). Mestrando PPGE – UFOPA. Lattes: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Nogueira da Costa, R. L. (2024). Educational dimensions in the community: reflections on collective activities in the Quilombo. Conexão ComCiência, 1(4). Retrieved from



Edição Especial - Práticas educativas na Educação Básica e no Ensino Superior