
  • Gustavo Fernandes Domingues UFU


Mining, Mining code, Exploration, Environmental Crisis


Minerals in Brazilian territory have been exploited by political treaties since the colonial period, and during the republication period, politicians created codes to regulate this sector, aligning with state interests, they are the Mining Codes of 1934, 1940 and 1967. The main objective of this research is to understand the relationship between the State and the mining sector, systematically analyzing the legal requirements that regulate mining in the territory of Brazil in its most recent history - Mining Codes, from these three great political treaties that regulate this sector, we seek to understand how the State has historically related to mining companies and to understand how the natural environment is considered by these treaties. This research also strives to investigate the relationship of political contexts in the time frame analyzed with the booms of growth in the mining area. For this, bibliographic readings are carried out in the theoretical area of Environmental History, and also to understand the experiences of the mining sector in different historical contexts.

Author Biography

Gustavo Fernandes Domingues, UFU

Graduando em bacharelado e licenciatura em História pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Campus Pontal. Realiza pesquisa sobre a região de Itaú de Minas - Minas Gerais, nas áreas da Memória e História Ambiental. Esse artigo foi orientado por Eduardo Giavara (UFG) e Dalva Maria de Oliveira Silva (UFU). E-mail: gustavo.domingues@ufu.br.


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How to Cite

DOMINGUES, G. F. HISTORY OF MINING IN BRAZILIAN TERRITORY: : AN ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL TREATIES THAT LEGISLATE MINING ACTIVITY (1934-1967). Journal of History Bilros: History(s), Society(ies) and Culture(s), [S. l.], v. 10, n. 20, p. 18, 2023. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/bilros/article/view/11279. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

