School Council, Locus of Citizenship and Popular Participation:

an analysis of its performance in public schools in the city of Altamira - PA


  • Joselma Fernandes do Nascimento
  • Maria Celeste Magalhães Cordeiro


democracy, participation, school board


This study focused on the School Boards of the municipality of Altamira, located in western Pará The same was carried out from August 2008 to December 2009, carried out in two schools in the municipal schools. Aimed to critically analyze policy implementation and the functioning of school boards in that period. His purpose was to answer four basic questions: first, the relationship of strength and power waged between the School Boards and school principals, second, the actual contribution of School Councils in strengthening popular participation and, third, the difficulties faced by the directors at their practical action; fourth, the extent to which the school Board participate effectively in decision-making processes of the school. This is a qualitative study using as investigative tools: interviews, semi-structured questionnaires and visits in the environments investigated in order to understand to what extent the School Board contributes to the democratic management of the school. We tried to see, yet the level of participation of the School Board in decision making in schools, considering the difficulties faced in the development of the proposed activities.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, J. F. do, & Cordeiro, M. C. M. (2012). School Council, Locus of Citizenship and Popular Participation:: an analysis of its performance in public schools in the city of Altamira - PA. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 2(04), 70–92. Retrieved from


