Borders and international relations
subnational administrations as protagonists of territorial governance
border committee, social concertation, subnational administration, polycentric governance systemsAbstract
Managing bordering territories is a challenge for subnational administrations due to territorial discontinuity. Border zones consist of at least two geographic areas belonging to different countries. Many of the managing issues and difficulties are shared by neighbors, but not their solutions, which run up against jurisdictional constraints. The needs of bordering municipalities to be protagonists in coping with difficulties that exceed their geographical boundaries are increasingly observed. This article discusses the possibilities of territorial governance between territories located in border regions. To do that, we resorted to bibliographic research and experiences in Brazilian consulates abroad lived by one of the authors. It was found that there is already a literature pointing out the importance of subnational administrations’ participation in the paths taken by international politics, particularly. Bordering municipalities can and should stimulate cooperation initiatives and take advantage of existing instruments, such as border committees, to become spokespersons for local claims to national administrations.
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