The Reflections of Organizational Culture in Human Resource Management: an approach from UEPA - Belém / PA

uma abordagem a partir da UEPA – Belém/PA


  • Tereza Cristina Martins Barbosa Loureiro
  • Milton Cordeiro Farias Filho


organizational culture, human resources, people management, public university


The purpose of this article is to examine how the variables of organizational culture daUniversidade of Pará has influenced the management of human resources and quemaneira your reflexes are related to the achievement of organizational goals. So pormeio literature search and interview methodology with focus groups naUniversidade of Pará - UEPA, it was concluded that the knowledge of the culturaorganizacional UEPA enables the acquisition of an important tool for controledas dimensions of interpersonal relationships, ethics and the universe of values ​​instituiçãoe which can be translated as a system of symbols and values ​​that form a kind defiltro, map or route, through which guide the daily experiences in gestãoorganizacional, demanding processes of training and acculturation of new employees in order the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, T. C. M. B., & Filho, M. C. F. (2012). The Reflections of Organizational Culture in Human Resource Management: an approach from UEPA - Belém / PA: uma abordagem a partir da UEPA – Belém/PA. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 2(06), 90–113. Retrieved from


