Public notice for issue no. 23



The journal Conhecer: Debate entre o Público e o Privado, a biannual publication of the Graduate Program in Public Policies of the Ceará State University (PPGPP/UECE), announces the call for issue no. 23, which will be released in August 2019.


Organizers: Jeannette Filomeno Pouchain Ramos, Ph.D. (University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony – UNILAB; Ceará State University – UECE), Helza Ricarte Lanz, Ph.D. (University of Cologne, Germany) and José Carlos Paiva, Ph.D. (School of Arts of the University of Porto – FBAUP, Portugal).

In the face of political, social, and educational changes and their intersection with the arts, the journal Conhecer proposes the publication of this dossier, which deals with local, regional, and global experiences, alternatives, and resistances. In these times of crisis of the state and the economy, the government system based on democracy and social inclusion of ethnic minorities and refugees has been put into question. Movements, artistic manifestations, and public policies affirming the right to public education – free, universal, compulsory, as a subjective right –, as well as the right to cultural and ethnic diversity and the teaching of arts in its multiple forms, are put into question and the clashes about deepening or ending such assertions have been multiplied.

Then, educators, politicians, and artists are called to systematize their experiences and resistances and share them in the dossier. This thematic issue of the journal Conhecer aims at contributing to the dialogue between discourses and reflective and interventionist practices, which create re-existences in times of uncertainty. The articles may come from any area of the social and human sciences and the artistic studies, as well as from inter and transdisciplinary areas, and they may refer to empirical studies, individual and collective experiences, autobiographies, etc., supported by analysis and theoretical and methodological reflection, in addition to artistic intervention practices.

Deadline for submission of articles: February 14, 2019.

The issue will be released in August 2019.

Check out the Instructions to authors.