O papel dos Conselhos Escolares no Contexto da Política de Gestão Democrática no Ceará


  • Lucidalva Pereira Bacelar Mestre em Planejamento em PolíticasPublicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Francisca Rejane Bezerra Andrade Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP


school board, democracy, participation, school management


In the state of Ceará, the Democratic Policy Management took the body from 1995, when several integrated actions were developed under the focus of "all for quality education for all." The "all for education" was the big appeal for the mobilization of society for educational decisions and so in 1995, the community elects its first director, triggering the decentralization of political power and the strengthening of school autonomy. The School Board, in turn, acquire the feature as one of the strongest mechanisms for realization of democratic management. The content of this work involves a literature search from the thinking of different theorists where you can observe and analyze the role of School Councils in the management policies of the Democratic school in Ceará, evaluating the design, position in the power structure of the school, powers, representation, coordination and operation of the Councils in the path of consolidation of a more Democratic
Management. In view of the state schools surveyed, the common testimony pointed to the importance of the performance of the Councils, while the same ratio has been a noticeable lack of concrete action from them. In the words of managers, there is clear evidence of the role of School Councils, in the speech of faculty and staff, the clarity diminishes, and the speech of students and parents the trend is the dark


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How to Cite

Bacelar, L. P., & Andrade, F. R. B. (2021). O papel dos Conselhos Escolares no Contexto da Política de Gestão Democrática no Ceará. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 1(01), 174–201. Retrieved from https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/revistaconhecer/article/view/1334


