Mediation of conflicts in the school


  • Katury Rayane Ramos
  • Rosemary de Oliveira Almeida
  • Irene Alves de Paiva


Public school, Conflicts, Mediation of conflicts


The Brazilian public school suffers processes of adequations around the understanding of what the school space really is, both in terms of the pedagogical context and aspects related to social interactions. This article draws attention to the numerous cases of violent conflicts and practices developed within them, such as physical aggressions committed by students or by teachers. This context reveals challenges and imminent reflection on the significance of conviviality in the school environment for its different subjects, as well as for social groups concerned with education, such as researchers, educators, families, public managers and others. This article is the result of research conducted in public schools on mediation of school conflicts. The objective is to understand the implementation of conflict mediation in state and municipal public schools in Ceará. Guided by the following problematization: what constitutes the experience of implementing conflict mediation in public schools in the state of Ceará? The municipal school of the Sea is the field of analysis of this research. Located in the Mucuripe district of the city of Fortaleza-CE is the municipal education network linked to the Municipal Department of Education (SME) and the education district II. The research is qualitative with a descriptive exploratory character, since its main purpose to identify how the schools work the mediation of conflict.



How to Cite

RAMOS, K. R.; ALMEIDA, R. de O.; DE PAIVA, I. A. Mediation of conflicts in the school. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 15, n. 29 jan.jun, p. 131–154, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.