Disseminação de uma Cultura de Paz pela participação social nas soluções de conflitos:

análise do Programa dos Núcleos de Mediação Comunitária do Estado do Ceará


  • Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira Nascimento Mestre em Planejamento e Políticas Publicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Francisco Horácio da Silva Frota Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Salamanca e Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) da UECE




community mediation, access to justice, social participation, culture of peace, public policy


This research is about the analysis of the Community Mediation Centers Program of the State of Ceará - PRONUMEC, instituted within the scope of the Public Ministry of the State of Ceará with the objective of using community mediation as an instrument to solve social conflicts, through social participation and strengthening citizenship. The objectives of the research were to understand the implementation of the Community Mediation Centers Program and its expansion over the years, as well as to verify the activities and ways of serving the Community Mediation Centers to the community, as well as to analyze the Reports of the Centers Program of Community Mediation from 2008 to 2019. For this purpose, as a methodology to achieve the objectives of qualitative research, a bibliographic, documentary and field research was developed. The bibliographic research was carried out through the study of the authors of books and articles to situate community mediation in Law, Sociology and Political Science. The documentary research was prepared based on analyzes of the Annual Reports of the Program and of the legislation of the Program. The field study was produced through a script of semi-structured interviews with the social actors who participated in the implementation of the program, the current coordination, mediators and users who participate or experienced the policy, building a text in which people can reflect on the reality of the topic in question. The result of this research identified that public policy emerged from social movements coming from civil society and from the initiative and articulation of institutional actors with academic knowledge from different areas, finding shelter in the local communities where the nuclei are installed and presenting successes in their objectives, although it needs greater recognition and acquiescence from society to be understood as a form of access to justice, bypassing the daily difficulties presented and promoting the awareness of community mediation as a movement that transforms the social context in which the nuclei are inserted, aiming at a permanent dialogue with the community in the development of a culture of peace.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. V. de O., & Frota, F. H. da S. (2022). Disseminação de uma Cultura de Paz pela participação social nas soluções de conflitos: : análise do Programa dos Núcleos de Mediação Comunitária do Estado do Ceará. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 4(9), 129–143. https://doi.org/10.47455/2675-0090.2022.4.9.10380


