Spinoza’s Social Sage:

Emotion and the Power of Reason in Spinoza’s Social Theory


  • Erika Tucker Marquette University


Spinoza. Emoção. Poder. Razão.


Artigo sobre a emoção e o poder da razão na teoria social de Spinoza. 

Biografia do Autor

Erika Tucker, Marquette University

I am an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Marquette University. I am interested in the metaphysical and psychological underpinnings of human social and political life, in particular, the notion of power, agency, and the nature of normativity. I explore these questions through a variety of sources, including 17th century philosophical works, contemporary metaphysics, social, moral and political philosophy, affective neuroscience, and white papers from development theorists and practitioners.

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Como Citar

Tucker, E. (2023). Spinoza’s Social Sage: : Emotion and the Power of Reason in Spinoza’s Social Theory. Revista Conatus - Filosofia De Spinoza (ISSN 1981-7509), 9(17 - Julho), 23–41. Recuperado de https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/conatus/article/view/12263