Del totalitarismo al populismo:

el enemigo antiliberal en el discurso de derecha


  • Stéphane Boisard Institut Universitaire J. F. Champollion Laboratoire France-Amérique-Espagne (FRAMESPA) du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Unité Mixte de Recherche 5136.



populism, antipopulism, neoliberalism, democracy, anti-liberalism, mario vargas llosa


This article examines the concept of ‘populism’ in the light of its neoliberal opponents’ discourse. The heuristic scope of the term, which its current political use has been devaluing, both in lay and scientific debates, is put into question. Starting from Quentin Skinner’s theory, we propose a political reading of the concept and postulate that its use (and, therefore, the content assigned to it) teaches us much (or more) about the person, movement, or party using it than about the party or the person that it designates. The anti-populist discourse is at the same time a rejection of the people/ethnos (nationalism as the essence of populism), a denial of the people/démos (populism as a pathology of democracy because it establishes the tyranny of majority against the elite), an accusation of the people/pléthos (the fragile mass manipulated by a leader and the intellectuals), and a critique of the ‘idolatry of State’ on the part of populists who oppose economic liberalism in the name of an obsessive egalitarianism. We conclude that ‘populism’ is a ‘kampfbegrief’ (a ‘battle concept’), as totalitarianism once was and it may be seen as a continuation of Cold War anticommunism.


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How to Cite

Boisard, S. (2020). Del totalitarismo al populismo:: el enemigo antiliberal en el discurso de derecha. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 10(24), 24–48.


