Ombudsman and User Satisfaction:

case of SEINFRA


  • Maria Cleide Costa Maia
  • Maria de Fátima Veras Vilanova


ombudsmen, satisfaction, likert scale


The present article is the synthetic presentation of the dissertation The Ombudsmen and The Satisfaction Of The User-case – SEINFRA’s Case. The general objective is to evaluate the citizen/user satisfaction with the service rendered by the
SEINFRA’s Ombudsmen. It was used in the research the study of case and the descriptive/documental and exploratory methods, within a quanti-qualitative approach. The instrument used was a questionnaire, structured with open and
closed questions, for the users of Ombudsmen’s services. The data was organized in a descriptive statistic procedure, through Excel’s worksheet, as well the SPSS software, version 15, when needed. For the user’s satisfaction analysis, the Likert
scale, length 5, was used. For 317 SEINFRAS’s Ombudsmen users, it was noticed that wish for information is the most motivation of the citizen, representing 81,6% (259) of the total manifestations. In second place comes the complements to the
Ombudsmen, with 7,6%(24) of manifestations. The complains take the third place with only 3,2%(10), while accusation and suggestions took the last place tied up one to the other with 1,9%(6). The satisfaction research done with the users points that 81% of them considered good and excellent the reception rendered by the Ombudsmen. It was also concluded that 53,8%(14) of the ones who searched the ombudsmen’s services are completely satisfied, while 30,8% considered it great and 11,5%(3) considered it good. Cumulatively, this proportion represents 96,1%(25) of all the demanded, whose satisfaction condition received a concept of, at least, good. From a total, only 3,8%(1) of the demanded considered the
service as regular, denoting a good acceptability by the population. It has been concluded, so far, that the citizen/user of the SEINFRA’ Ombudsmen System is satisfied with the service rendered.


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How to Cite

Maia, M. C. C., & Vilanova, M. de F. V. (2011). Ombudsman and User Satisfaction:: case of SEINFRA. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 1(02), 280–307. Retrieved from


