Work and Youth:

the First Passes - CE project from the perspective of egresses


  • Liduina Elizabete Angelim Gomes da Silva
  • Francisca Rejane Bezerra


youth and labor, juvenile unemployment, public policies, first step project


This article study approaches the correlation between labor and the young whose goal is to analyze applied public policies through the assessment of Projeto Primeiro Passo-CE (First Step Project) developed by Secretaria do Trabalho e
Desenvolvimento Social (STDS) (Labor and Social Development Office). The above-mentioned study is based on theories on the concepts and meanings of youth and their relationship with the job market and juvenile unemployment, focusing on the concept of apprenticeship and relating it with the Projeto Primeiro Passo (First Step Project). There has been a critical discussion on the Brazilian Public Policies contextualizing them and studying them both analytically and reflexively towards the young. We also approach the projects directed towards the youth which are developed by the STDS. These studies and reflections were fundamental to base the presented discussions, more specifically, the analysis of the First Step Project from the point of view of its beneficiaries, pointing out the profile of the users, their perceptions on the project and the offered qualification. Feelings of anguish, insecurity and doubt were experimented throughout the course of this study. However, the reward corresponds to the sensation of having managed to surpass obstacles and conquered one more solid learning experience that produced a piece of work which hopefully will not become exhausted in this academic work only.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. E. A. G. da, & Bezerra, F. R. (2011). Work and Youth:: the First Passes - CE project from the perspective of egresses. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 1(02), 239–279. Retrieved from


