The Incentive Laws and the Reality of the Ceramic Pole Artisan of Icoaraci / PA


  • Marcelo Souza Martins
  • Alexandre Almeida Barbalho Doutor em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas pela Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA e Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS) da UECE


public policy, cultural incentives, ceramic crafts


This paper analyzes the incentive laws and reality Artisan Ceramic Polo Icoaraci (PCI), with the primary objective of evaluating whether laws to encourage culture, as a public policy, brought some form of contribution to the artisans of the PCI. The opinions of leaders of artisans, master craftsmen and some cultural managers constructed the scenario that led to the development of this perspective on the relationship between the incentive laws and the reality of a regional cultures icon of Pará State Laws incentive value cultural legitimized by a ruling class, which determines what can be considered elite culture and popular culture. The ceramic Icoaraci, being a popular culture, that could be highlighted via incentive laws, would first go through the legitimization of this class. What was observed in this study is that the incentive laws do not fit the reality of the Polo, because in its dynamics, this region presents as emergency needs, the promotion of cultural imperative inherent in his artistic proposal, is relegated to the plane. This is visible when the vast majority of respondents could not even identify the meaning of Incentives Cultural object incentive laws. It is therefore clear that the incentive laws for the Polo does not become relevant when compared to emergency employment policies and income and education. And therefore, the culture policies aimed at Polo are still settled on a plan to achieve almost dreamlike.


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How to Cite

Martins, M. S., & Barbalho, A. A. (2012). The Incentive Laws and the Reality of the Ceramic Pole Artisan of Icoaraci / PA. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 2(04), 136–152. Retrieved from


