The Durable Communities Project in Search of Sustainable Territorial Development in Amapá


  • Maricilda dos Santos Ribeiro Filha Pena
  • Francisco Horácio da Silva Frota Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Salamanca - Espanha e Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas (PPGPP) da UECE


Local Development, Territorial Development, Sustainable development, Local Productive Arrangements, Social Participation


This study addresses the process of sustainable local territorial development in Brazil, which is also part of the actions carried out by the current Amapá State Government, since programs and projects, under the aegis of economic and social development, are from this new perspective of development that is in implantation in the municipalities amapaenses. In this way, it is imperative to understand the Durable Communities Project, its development model that hour is practiced in the networks of institutional and community social relations and its evolution, its process of maturation and creative organization based on the perceptions that derive from the activities developed in the exogenous or endogenous interventions, as a way to solidify and legitimize Sustainable Territorial Local Development - DTRS and the Local Productive Arrangements - APL's. The study shows, however, that the importance of the participatory approach is not simply to replace community and local approaches, but to complement, integrate and strengthen them. As in the other approaches, in DTRS discourse there is often an emphasis on aspects of harmony and cooperation.


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How to Cite

Pena, M. dos S. R. F., & Frota, F. H. da S. (2014). The Durable Communities Project in Search of Sustainable Territorial Development in Amapá. Conhecer: Debate Entre O Público E O Privado, 4(10), 147–172. Retrieved from


