Public notice for issue no. 22



The journal Conhecer: Debate entre o Público e o Privado, a biannual publication of the Graduate Program in Public Policies of the Ceará State University (PPGPP/UECE), announces the call for issue no. 22, which will be released in March 2019.


Organizers: Camila Holanda Marinho, Ph.D. (Ceará State University – UECE) and David Oliveira, Ph.D. (Federal University of Ceará – UFC).

In this dossier, the journal Conhecer has as its theme discussions and studies on conflicts, violence and human rights. It is noticed that biopower relations aimed at the management and regulation of human vital processes by establishing power relations concerning the individuals’ way of life infers practices that violate rights, usually legitimized by common sense and recognized as practices of justice. In view of this, it is observed how the violence dynamics is marked by feelings of hatred and indifference towards the forms of social exclusion and cultural and racial disregard to which certain social groups are subject. Therefore, these debates have raised recurrent concerns in the context of social issues and gained momentum in the contemporary world, especially in Brazil, when discussing themes related to practices of intolerance, discrimination, and threat to the human race.

New deadline for submission of articles: January 23, 2019.

The issue will be released in March 2019.

Check out the Instructions to authors.